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Our decades of expertise in School Placements, Homeschooling Curriculums (Prek-12), IEPs/504, Inclusive Environments, Behavioral Goals, Behavioral Parent Trainings, and Professional Supervision of those who train and teach others allow us to provide you with the best answers from which you will choose the best possible scenarios for your unique situation for your child or family member.
This is an online/zoom consultation.
Please contact us today if you are interested in this option!
Yes, this is the training that most parents with children who were diagnosed with different developmental disabilities wish to have. This is a 16- hours online 1:1 live comprehensive training that provides parents with ABA tools necessary to modify behaviors and teach new adaptive behaviors.
Many years of teaching this course to hundreds of parents finally became the best version of this training where we concentrated all our expertise and knowledge into this comprehensive training tailored specifically to the needs of your unique child.
Yes, we do give you all the basics of theoretical scientific knowledge that our specialists learn in universities, but we give it in the terms that are easy to understand.
Yes, we do utilize only conceptually systematic behavioral tools that work.
Yes, notes and references (where you can read the original scientific work if you wish) - are provided after every session.
This is an online/zoom training.
Please contact us today if you are interested in this option!
This is an hourly "subscription behavioral skill building/coaching" that we offer to those who unable to receive our services any other way (referrals or insurance). This course is for parents of children who have (or have mot) received formal diagnosis.
Who uses our subscription?
- The parents who once have been in our programs, liked the effective results, and want to receive an occasional but scheduled support for a few very specific skills and behaviors
- Parents who are very busy during the day but are available in the evenings, weekends, early mornings
- Parents who do not like "other people in their house telling them what to do" and prefer to become themselves really skillful ABA trainers to their children. Yes, we train you with all the behavioral science and professional approach (but also in relatable words and understandable explanations)
- Parents who feel that too much time was lost, and their child is not making progress in academics and/or in everyday home, self-help skills, hygiene, toileting, etc.
- Parents who live in the areas where the behavioral services are not easily available
How will it start?
1. This is an online training (unless decided otherwise by you and your trainer)
2. We will have a free Zoom meeting dialogue (30 min) to see if this program is a right fit for you.
What skills and behaviors do we improve?
- all Adaptive Skills - the skills expected of the same-age peers, including picking up academics and social skills.
- adaptive "good" behaviors (reduce tantrums and unreasonable demands, and other non-violent behaviors that are not beneficial to have in our society)
- list of goals ("what to change") will be developed after a very good assessment is dove
- parents will bring their questions and completed homework to the meetings.
What about the school and academics?
- Yes, we cover skills that your child must have in order to be successful in any of the school environments (Gen Ed/ Spec.Ed, Homeschool).
- We cover all information on any school-related question and academics. Yes: the school-related questions for schools and curriculums in California, USA.
What behaviors and skills we do NOT consult on/attempt to change via the coaching contracts?
- Serous aggression (fights, severe self-injuries)
- Criminal behaviors (theft, vandalism, etc.)
- Other behaviors that pose immediate danger to self, others
What age groups we work with?
Yes: 12 months old though 15 years old
Special considerations for each individual situation:
15 years old - though adulthood. Please ask us if you are interested.
What will NOT happen?
- We do not cure any diagnosis,
- We do not " magically fix" your child,
- We do not guarantee progress if after everything we taught the parents - the parents are not consistently following our training.
This is an online/zoom training.
Please contact us today if you are interested in this option!
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